Specific Projects Which Are Part of Large Interdisciplinary Programs
Researchers who are not members of the Academic Council or the MCL Faculty may be approved to serve as PIs on projects within the scope of a large interdisciplinary program. For this purpose, a "large interdisciplinary program" is defined as a research program which:
(a) is directed by a member of the Academic Council or MCL faculty,
(b) has an expected duration beyond the involvement of any individual faculty participant,
(c) has more than one faculty member involved, and
(d) requires expertise in more than one discipline or technical area.
All of the following conditions must be met in order for the department chair and school dean to approve PI exceptions in such cases:
- The proposed project must be a demonstrably important component of the success of the overall interdisciplinary program, as defined above.
- There is no member of the Academic Council or MCL faculty associated with the large interdisciplinary project who is qualified to take responsibility for the scientific direction of the prospective research project.
- No incremental space will be required for the project.
- For each graduate student participating on the project, a qualified faculty member has been identified to assure that the student's research program and the education derived from it are consistent with the degree for which the student is a candidate.
- Exceptions approved under this provision will be reported to the Dean of Research on an annual basis.
Complete the form below to submit a PI waiver exception request for consideration.